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Corporate Values

Product & Services

A . Basic Recruitment Solution

- Full briefing and development strategy
- Targeted advertising campaigns
- Full screening and interviewing
- Advice on the preparation of employment contracts, including pay rates and benefit packages

B. End-to-End Recruitment Solution

These services include the following in addition to Basic Recruitment Solution:
- In-depth personality profiling
- Customized assessment systems
- Aptitude testing
- Technical testing
- Simulator Check

C. Customized Recruitment Solutions

A tailored recruitment solution, where the airline decides the type of selection process. Proctor Aviation executes the customized recruitment process.

opening for b737, ATR 72, ATR 72 TRE/TRI, Line Captains, Classic Aircrafts
aviation recruitment,Basic Recruitment Solution,End-to-End Recruitment Solution,Aptitude testing,Technical testing,Simulator Check,tailored recruitment solution,Targeted advertising campaigns
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